Monday, May 11

Notwithstanding a highly conditional chase day tomorrow (parameters look fantastic, but a strong CAP might prevent anything from happening), Wednesday starting to look interesting.
As of this point, I won't be posting any details on locations or target areas until up to several days after the fact, but will continue to post pictures and even short video clips from any successful chases, time permitting of course.

Today is a down day (i.e. no storm chasing). The crews are working on installing specialized software that will collect all data from each of the mesonet vehicles & display it in real time on the FC's (Field Coordinator's) computer screen. The name of the game for this project is keeping as many facets of the operation (especially redundant tasks) running as smoothly & automated as possible. The technology behind this is really amazing! Anyway, here's another cool tornado picture from my collection (click for larger image)...

More info soon...

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